or in some cases exposure to false information 虚偽の情報にさらすこと―
no , you traverse vast wastelands based on false information . あなたは、誤った情報に基づいて 広大な不毛地帯を横断している
despite that , fukei tried to let the false information spread that he already appeared in yamato . それが早くも大和にまで現れたと虚報を流そうというのである。
despite that , fukei tried to let the false information spread that prince takechi had already appeared in yamato . それが早くも倭に現れたと虚報を流そうというのである。
post station was temporarily thrown into panic and the false information of yoritomo ' s kill was reported to kamakura . 宿場は一時混乱へと陥り、頼朝が討たれたとの誤報が鎌倉に伝わる。
he especially excelled in spreading false information amongst his enemy chiefs and forces and other tactics to drive a wedge between his rivals . 特に巧みなのが敵将や敵勢力に対する偽報や離間策であった。
some people believe he used the family name ' fujii ,' written as 藤井 in japanese , but this is false information and is not true . なお、姓を「藤井」と称したとする説もあるが、誤伝によるもので事実ではない。
a form of psychological abuse in which false information is presented with the intention of disorienting a victim ... andor steering them on a certain course of action . 心理的虐待の一種で 被害者を混乱させ ある方向に被害者の行動を操るために
although the message was suspected of a faked letter due to its format , korea dispatched a responder (the tsushima domain gave the edo bakufu false information that the messenger was an emissary .) 書式から偽書の疑いが生じたものの朝鮮は「回答使」(対馬藩は幕府に「通信使」と偽った)を派遣した。
now , on the assumption that myers is listening to the radio , we're issuing these broadcasts in the state , containing false information as to his whereabouts and not connecting the two men with him . その可能性を 追ってます マイヤーズがラジオを 聞いていると仮定して... アメリカで この情報を放送します